Working principles cover the basic behavioral principles of Konak Hospital. It includes the common values of Konak Hospital as well as the changes in legal, social and economic conditions.
Konak Hospital undertakes to exhibit attitudes and behaviors in accordance with the Working Principles in all its activities and relations towards the people and institutions it has business relations with, the society it is in, its patients, business stakeholders, partners and employees, and strive to adopt these principles.
Konak Hospital’s working principles are organized jointly on behalf of all hospitals under the institution. Konak Hospitals are in integrity with strategic business objectives, institutional procedures and principles. All employees, including the Board of Directors, are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct.
Integrity and Reliability
In all business processes, honesty and reliability are our primary values. Konak Hospitals; It aims to be a symbol of reliability and respectability towards its partners, employees, patients, suppliers, business partners, competitors, environment, society and humanity.
Our Core Values
Konak Hastanesi tüm çalışanlarıyla birlikte, hizmet mükemmelliği ve sosyal sorumluluk projeleriyle fark yaratan, bilimsel ve akademik uygulamaları ile öncü, herkes için sağlık ilkesini sağlığın her alanında hayata geçiren, uluslar arası bir marka olmayı amaçlamaktadır.
We adopt the principle of honesty and integrity in all our business processes and relationships. We act primarily with the principle of honesty and integrity in our relations with our employees and patients.
Creating value for our employees and patients and meeting their expectations at the maximum level is one of our most sensitive priorities.
Our main goal is to create sustainable value with both the quality of service provided and the quality of our internal functioning / process, and to always gain the trust of our employees and patients, by carrying out all our business processes within the framework of legal regulations.
Those who work full-time at Konak Hospital cannot work in another job or do a job on their own behalf while the institution’s employment contract continues.
While Konak Hospitals employees are performing their duties;
Acts in accordance with the Working Principles in all business processes and relations,
It is aware of its duties and responsibilities, does not disrupt its duties and responsibilities,
Knows and acts in accordance with task-specific procedures and instructions,
Do not use pressure, insult, threat or arbitrary behavior and practices,
He acts in a manner worthy of the trust required by his duty, and within this framework, shows the necessary attention and care in the execution of the works,
Avoids waste and extravagance in the use of all kinds of resources belonging to the institution; Acts effectively, efficiently and sparingly while using overtime, corporate resources, workforce and opportunities,
Stays away from all conflicts of interest between work and private life,
Strives to create a safe workplace and protect the environment,
Respects the rights of individuals / colleagues, the rights, reputation and privacy of patients and their relatives in works performed on behalf of the institution,
Does not improperly disclose private and confidential information to the institution, work environment, colleagues and patients,
Does not offer or accept any improper payments, gifts or tips to the patient, colleague or third party,
It does not undertake any contractual obligation without obtaining the appropriate approval or legal review,
Does not take a stance that will harm the corporate image in the working environment,
Behaviors in accordance with the rules of courtesy and respect in communications with subordinates, peers, patients and their relatives or business partners,
The institution acts in accordance with the working hours of entry-exit, lunch and rest hours,
The institution acts in accordance with the dress code,
Compliance with Laws and Institutional Procedures
Konak Hospital adheres to its working principles and standards.
It creates healthy and safe working conditions at the level required by laws and procedures and constantly follows and improves it.
Employees are obliged to know and act in accordance with job descriptions and requirements, Konak Hospital procedures and instructions related to their duties.
Employees are obliged to inform the Hospital Management and Human Resources Group Management in any case that they deem or suspect against the laws, rules, regulations, institutional procedures and working principles. If our employees encounter an unethical practice within the organization, they notify the Human Resources Group Management in writing and/or verbally.
It ensures that all kinds of reports, financial statements or records prepared by the institution are kept in accordance with the national and international accounting principles determined in line with the current legislation.
Bilgiyi Elde Etme, Kullanma ve Koruma (Bilgi Güvenliği)
Konak Hospital pays attention to the protection and confidentiality of personal information of its employees, patients and all stakeholders.
Employees are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of any information obtained during the working period and should not share this information with persons and institutions unrelated to business processes. In cases where information is required, it should only provide enough information and take the necessary precautions for the confidentiality of this information.
Announcement of all official announcements is made in a complete, simultaneous and understandable manner in line with the principle of equality to investors, partners and the public through the persons/units determined by the institution.
In the event that the employee leaves the institution for any reason, care is taken to protect all kinds of documents, embezzlement and confidential information held due to his duty and position, and to take necessary measures to prevent them from being used against the institution in the future.
It is strictly forbidden to infiltrate all kinds of confidential information and / or documents within the scope of “Insider Trading” (insider trading), to gain or to gain benefits through the stock market or any other means.
All kinds of documents (correspondence, notes, computer files and e-mails) that the employees use or create while performing their jobs are the property of Konak Hospital. It should be used in accordance with institution procedures. These documents should be destroyed in accordance with the policy of the institution when they are no longer valid, or if it is necessary to keep them, they should be kept in accordance with the policy of the institution and the provisions of the current legislation regarding the storage of such documents.
Employees cannot use the non-public information of Konak Hospital to gain benefits for themselves or other persons or organizations.
Social responsibility
Konak Hospital is sensitive to the protection of the environment and natural life, patient rights and public health and follows the rules.
Konak Hospital supports its employees in volunteering to participate in appropriate social activities with a sense of social responsibility.
In order for the institution to fulfill its social responsibilities, new and different projects are developed and it cooperates with the relevant person / and institutions to implement these projects.
It produces sustainable social responsibility projects that will provide development and benefit to the region where the employees and all stakeholders of the institution are located.
Contracts and Legal Process
In all cases where the institution enters into a business relationship with third parties, a contract regulating the rights and obligations of the parties must be signed before the business relationship begins.
The contracts are prepared in accordance with the Konak Hospital contract procedure and submitted to the signature of the senior management by taking the initials from at least the middle management level. When a situation contrary to the contracts is experienced or detected, the necessary warning process is processed.
Employees outside the authority of the Board of Directors cannot represent Konak Hospitals in any way. He cannot act, sign, or act in any way that will undermine the Institution.
The Institution behaves in accordance with the steps determined by the laws in all kinds of work activities and fully complies with them.
Employees of the institution may not act contrary to working principles while maintaining relations with competitors. In this context, it cannot allow unfair competition to be created. Avoids any action that poses a risk.
Employees of the institution cannot benefit personally from the operations of the company, cannot use the property, information and positions of the institution for their personal interests, cannot enter into competition with the institution.
It is forbidden to make false, fraudulent business, informal negotiations and agreements that may cause the withdrawal or limitation of competition. Employees cannot share the information they have in the organization or confidential information for the future in their meetings with competitors. In case of non-compliance with the policies and instructions applied by Konak Hospitals on competition and trade issues, legal action is taken against the relevant employees. Employees are required to inform the corporate managers and legal advisors of the institution when they have problems in this regard.
Protection of Personal Data and Patient Data
Any information regarding employees is Personal Data. Employees’ information such as “name, surname, marital status, date of birth, vehicle license plate, phone number, e-mail address, identity number, account information, address, audio and video recording, fingerprint” are also included in this process. In addition; Patients, visitors, information about service providers are also included in the definition of personal data.
This information is confidential and access is provided by employees in a limited and controlled manner. Personal data cannot be stored other than the storage definitions determined and approved by the institution.
Konak Hospital protects personal data in compliance with all technical and administrative security controls that must be taken in accordance with information security standards and procedures. The said security measures are provided at a level appropriate to the possible risk, taking into account the technological possibilities.
Employees, in accordance with the legislation regarding the processed personal data; to learn whether personal data is processed, to request information if personal data has been processed, to learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose, to know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data are transferred, to request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing to request the deletion or destruction of personal data, to correct personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed, and / or to notify third parties to whom personal data has been transferred, of the transactions regarding the deletion or destruction of personal data, to the detriment of the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems has the right to object to the emergence of a result, to demand the compensation of the damage in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data.
Unless approved by the senior management of the institution, it is strictly forbidden to store and display personal data on computers allocated to employees.
Environmental Safety and Protection
Konak Hospital also considers the principles of responsibility towards the environment for a sustainable and livable future in its work.
Konak Hospital takes responsibility for protecting nature and the environment and supports every effort to raise public awareness. It also takes initiatives for the development of environmentally friendly technologies.
In our activities, great care is taken not to harm the environment and natural resources. It is aimed to determine our effects on the environment and to minimize the negative effects, if any, to protect natural resources, to keep our wastes under control and to minimize the pollution of air, water and soil with appropriate techniques.
Occupational health and Safety
Occupational health and safety is among the priorities of Konak Hospital. Occupational health and safety policy of the institution covers all employees, other service providers and subcontractors.
This policy aims to provide occupational health and safety to all employees. Employees of the institution act in accordance with the procedures and instructions prepared for this purpose and take all necessary precautions.
Employees pay attention to all dangerous and illegal points while doing their jobs, pay maximum attention to avoid any negativity within the organization, and receive the necessary training in this regard.
Employees will not use any drugs or substances that will restrict their physical and bodily movements during the performance of their jobs, and those who must have them based on the doctor’s report will be kept under control and observation. If necessary, they will not work in-house.
Corporate Communication and Communication with Stakeholders
Konak Hospital has adopted the policy of disclosing important information to the public in a complete, accurate, open, transparent and timely manner.
All meetings with investors, financial analysts, members of the press and similar groups are made within the framework of the “Disclosure Policy” determined by the institution.
Except for the spokespersons of Konak Hospital, no employee can make a public statement on behalf of the institution. The spokespersons of the institution act in accordance with the Disclosure Policy.
No employee can make a verbal or written statement on behalf of the institution other than those assigned to duty. Personnel should avoid situations that may lead to any speculation, negative evaluation, and practices and behaviors that may harm the trust, reputation and stability of the institution or the sector, or create unfair competition in media relations.
Relations with Our Stakeholders
Konak Hospital; has always adopted the principle of being professional and fair in its relations with patients, suppliers, subcontractors and other similar stakeholders and the public. Employees are responsible and obliged to behave in accordance with this principle.
Patient Safety and Quality
Konak Hospital has adopted the philosophy of Total Quality Management, which is a modern management system, and aims to fully meet the expectations and needs of patients in all processes in health service delivery, as well as diagnosis, treatment and care services focused on patient satisfaction and in accordance with internationally recognized standards (JCI).
Safe care is the responsibility of Konak Hospital staff. All of our employees serve in accordance with patient safety procedures and instructions. Konak Hospital fulfills all the requirements to improve the quality of patient care, to reduce risks by providing a safe environment for patients and employees, and to ensure continuous improvement.
Financial Reporting and Audit
At Konak Hospital, the accuracy of financial reporting is very important for the correct management of the institution, as well as for the reliability of financial disclosures to partners and shareholders.
The records, ledgers, accounts and financial statements of the various units of the institution should reflect the transactions made by such units in accordance with the relevant laws, general accounting principles and the internal audit system of the institution.
The financial information and financial situation of the institution should be fully and accurately reflected by the reporting procedures. Employees who prepare the organization’s accounting records must ensure that each record is accurately documented and act sensitively and honestly. Every employee is expected to comply with applicable instructions and regulations for recording and documenting invoices, expenses and other items recorded in the accounting books.
Political Activities and Donations
Konak Hospital and its employees cannot engage in supporting activities in any political party and political associations.
It cannot allow demonstrations, propaganda and similar activities to take place within the boundaries of the institution. Resources registered on behalf of the institution (such as vehicles, computers, telephones, e-mails) cannot be allocated to political activities and their use cannot be allowed.
Konak Hospital cannot demand its employees to support or oppose any political or political group or candidate. It cannot broadcast. No gifts or donations can be made to the Institution for the purpose of gaining benefit on its behalf.
Ethical Rules
Konak Hospital Board of Directors is authorized and responsible for the implementation of ethical rules within the institution and updating these rules.
The Board of Directors may delegate this authority by dividing the duties within itself or by appointing people outside the board.
The Board of Directors and/or authorized persons examine the reported, known or suspected violations and apply these ethical rules to concrete situations.
Those held responsible take all necessary measures to investigate reported violations. In case the violation is fixed, the Board of Directors is informed and the penalties deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors are applied. These penalties may include termination and dismissal without notice or litigation before the judicial authorities for serious violations.