In Private Konak Hospital, a standard method is used for Organ and Tissue Donation within the framework of the Law No. 2238 on Organ and Tissue Acquisition, Storage and Transplantation and the Regulation on Organ and Tissue Transplantation Services, which came into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 25.05.2010 and numbered 27579.
Brain Death: Brain death is a clinical diagnosis and is the complete and irreversible loss of brain functions.
Doku: Bir vücudun veya bir organın yapı öğelerinden birini oluşturan bütündür.
Organ: İnsan vücudunun belirli bir görevini yerine getiren ve sınırları kesin olarak belirlenmişbölümüdür.
Organ Donation: It is the free will of a person to allow and document the use of his tissues and organs for the treatment of other patients, after his or her medical life has ended.
Organ and Tissue Transplantation: It is the organ and tissue transplantation procedure applied for the treatment of diseases in the terminal period.
Promoting the Development of Organ Donation at Country Level, Organ and Tissue Donation
Encouraging Events…
Care is taken to provide informative brochures on Organ Donation to every patient and their relatives who apply to the hospital for treatment.
Care is taken to publish informative and encouraging scientific articles on organ donation on the visual and printed media and the website of the institution.
In joint studies with the Ministry of Health, necessary medical personnel support is provided in order to enlighten public institutions and organizations about organ donation.
Donation Acceptance
Organ and tissue donations are not accepted in our hospital. Patients who apply to Private Konak Hospital for organ and tissue donation are given a brochure about organ donation and are directed to hospitals that accept donations.
Organ Donation from a Brain-Dead Patient
If the patient has stated that he is against the removal of his organs after his death, his organs cannot be removed.
In our hospital, the head of the organ tissue donation unit and the primary physician of the patient report this situation to the Brain Death Diagnosis Team when they come to the conclusion that brain death has occurred in their patients. This Committee consists of a Cardiologist, a Neurologist, a Neurosurgeon and an Anesthesiology and Reanimation specialist. This committee carries out its operations in accordance with the Brain Death Identification Procedure. After the committee’s independent evaluation of the case, T.C. Ministry of Health Brain Death Notification Form is filled and signed. After completing the form, the family is notified of brain death in writing or verbally with explanatory information.
All brain death cases are reported to the Istanbul Regional Coordination Center. Organ Transplant Coordinator gives information about organ donation with the family. If the family deems organ transplantation appropriate, this is reported at the Istanbul Regional Coordination Center. If the family refuses to donate organs, this is the case with T.C. It is written to the Ministry of Health Brain Death Notification Form.
T.R. The Ministry of Health Brain Death Notification Form is faxed to the Ministry of Health Istanbul Regional Organ and Tissue Transplantation Coordination Center (UKM).