It is a surgical branch of medicine that deals with the structure, diseases and treatments of the urinary tract and reproductive organs in men. Kidney stones, pyelonephritis, ureter and bladder stones are related to the urinary tract. Diseases such as tumors, prostate enlargement and inflammation, diagnosis and treatment of male infertility are in the field of interest of the urology unit. In the diagnosis of diseases, blood and urine tests, radiographs with and without drugs, endoscopic examinations; ultrasonography is used. In addition, some congenital diseases, especially of boys, may be of interest to urology.
Services Provided;
Flexible ureterorenoscopy-retrograde intrarenal surgery
Closed surgery of kidney and ureteral stones
Laparoscopic kidney surgeries
kidney tumor
Endoscopic treatment of bladder tumor
testicular tumor
Prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment
Prostate enlargement diagnosis and treatment
impotence, premature ejaculation
ESWT shock wave therapy to the penis
Male infertility, varicocele diagnosis and treatment
urinary tract infections
Before You Come!
Come on an empty stomach and with a full bladder.
Make an appointment to be a control or to show the results of the examination.
Bring your old analyzes and films, if any.
If any, bring the boxes or prescription of the medicines you have used for your ailment before.