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Konak Hastanesi

TMS nedir?

An electromagnetic coil (coil) is placed on the TMS hairy scalp. A magnetic field is created with the energy held in capacitors. This magnetic field has the characteristic of increasing and decreasing in 100-200 micro-seconds. It is applied regionally. It is the same intensity as the magnetic field applied in MR imaging. The magnetic field in MR is static, in TMS it is variable. In TMS application, brain activity is changed by creating a strong but short magnetic field without giving an external electric current, and the treatment effect is achieved.

How does it affect the brain?

A change called “neuronal depolarization” occurs in the targeted area of ​​the brain. The electrical transmission of the cells in the brain is interfered with. If it is thought that the brain works with electrical and chemical transmission, it is understood that it has the effect of activating the natural processes of the brain that do not work adequately. It creates the effect of treatment by creating a strong but short magnetic field without giving an external electric current.

How long is the session?

It is determined according to the individual needs of the patient. Rhythmic application is performed at the determined frequency, frequency and intensity for 10-30 minutes.

In which diseases is it effective?

Currently recommended treatment areas are;

Treatment-Resistant Depression,

Schizophrenia and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,

Panic Disorder (Episodic Paroxysmal Anxiety)

It is migraine.

It draws attention as a superiority to drug treatment as it can be used in pregnancy, nursing mothers and heart patients.

What are its uses in neurology?

Speech Disorders,


It is currently used for experimental purposes in Parkinson’s and some paralysis. Research continues.

How is it used in children?


Scientific studies on its use in hyperactivity are continuing.

How is it applied?

After functional imaging of the brain with functional MRI and Quantitative EEG, it is recommended to determine the appropriate area and apply it to that area. In depression, a coil is usually placed on the left front forehead. Rhythmic stimuli are given. It is applied in sessions of 10-30 minutes, not less than 15 sessions. There is no need for pre-preparation other than the hair is clean.


Based on highly effective clinical trial results, the success rate of TMS therapy is greater than Pharmacotherapy and less than Electro Convulsive Therapy. Few or no side effects (the most severe side effect being a mild headache), Quick onset therapeutic effect (typically within 1 week). Non-invasive (Does not directly interfere with the body), Does not require anesthesia, Patients do not need to stop using drugs for outpatient treatment, TMS application.