The founder of modern IVF treatment is Bob Edwards. The first baby born as a result of IVF procedure (Louise Brown) was born in England in 1978. Since 1971, all applications related to in vitro fertilization form the basis of today’s in vitro fertilization technique. While the developments regarding in vitro fertilization continue rapidly in the world, our hospital has started to apply the in vitro fertilization methods for the first time in Kocaeli as of 2015, not being indifferent to the studies on in vitro fertilization.
When the decision to start IVF treatment is taken, you should come to our center by making an appointment between the 1st and the 5th day of your menstrual bleeding. The patients who come for treatment in our hospital must be married in accordance with the IVF regulation. Therefore, our patients are required to bring their marriage certificates with them. If you have already done; If you have examinations such as Spermiogram (Sperm Analysis), HSG (Uterine Film), Hormone Analysis, it will be useful to bring them with you. The duration of the treatment varies between 15-20 days, depending on the treatment option you will decide together with your doctor.
Services Provided
In normal fertile couples, the monthly pregnancy rate is 25% in case of sexual intercourse with a normal frequency. This rate is around 85% at the end of 1 year and 90% at the end of 2 years. For pregnancy to occur; A healthy egg released from the ovary must combine with the male sperm. This event, called fertilization, occurs in the woman’s tubes and the fertilized egg (embryo) settles in the uterine cavity and creates pregnancy. For the formation of pregnancy; There must be a healthy egg cell, healthy sperm cell, at least one open and healthy tube and a normal uterine cavity where the fertilized egg can settle. Infertility: It is the inability to get pregnant for 1 year despite regular intercourse without applying any birth control method. About 30% of families with infertility problems have problems in men, 30% in women, and 30% in both men and women. In 10% of the families, no problem preventing pregnancy can be detected with the first-line tests, and this group is called “unexplained infertility”.
IVF (In vitro Fertilization): During pregnancy, sperms pass from the uterus to the fallopian canals and fertilize the egg. Due to some reasons such as low sperm count and obstruction in the ducts of the woman, the sperm and the egg cannot unite. The eggs collected from the woman in the IVF laboratory are fertilized in the same environment as the sperm and the developing embryo is transferred to the mother’s uterus.
ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
Before 1992, patients with very low sperm count were using the IVF method, and many patients’ procedures were canceled because fertilization did not occur. With the discovery of ICSI, a big step has been taken in male infertility. The sperm cells washed in IVF are combined in the same tooth in the laboratory environment. If the sperm motility is low, the number is not sufficient, and if it is necessary to obtain sperm by surgical methods, ICSI is performed because the sperm cannot reach the egg in IVF. In the ICSI procedure, a sperm cell is injected into each egg cell through advanced microscopes and the resulting embryo is transferred to the mother’s uterus.
IMSI (High Magnification Selected Sperm Injection)
High Magnification Selected Sperm Injection is recommended for patients with serious problems with their sperm and for patients with recurrent miscarriages. Since sperm staining is not performed with this technique, the selected sperm can be used for injection. An experienced embryologist can select sperm with good morphology under the ICSI microscope. In normal ICSI microscope, 400 times magnification is provided. However, by using 8-10000 times larger magnification in IMSI microscope, vacuoles and defects in the sperm head, which we cannot see in normal ICSI microscopes, can be distinguished. By choosing healthier sperm, the chances of pregnancy success can increase. Recent studies have also determined that IMSI increases the implantation rate.