Konak Medical Branches


Konak Hastanesi


With check-up (personal health screening), it is aimed to detect possible diseases in the early period and take precautions, thus keeping the person healthy. Check-up; These are the examinations and tests performed to detect the disorders that begin to occur secretly in people, even though they do not have a clear complaint, at an early stage. Check-up, in other words, is defined as “general health check” and is a screening method that should be done regularly at least once a year for all people, even if they have no complaints or diseases.


Check-up; modern medicine aims to keep the person healthy by taking the necessary precautions before the disease occurs. For this reason, every person should go through a general health check by consulting a doctor at certain intervals, even if he or she has no complaints. These periods may vary according to age and general condition of the person. It is possible to detect breast, cervix, prostate and large intestine cancers at an early stage with the check-up to be carried out every 6 months. Early and accurate diagnosis, such as coronary artery diseases, cancer and hypertension, which are diseases of our age, is extremely important in terms of life expectancy and quality. In addition, early diagnosis and regular treatment are of great importance in diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes, which progress insidiously for years without causing any symptoms and without causing any complaints in the patient, while damaging vital organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys. Early diagnosis of some common cancers such as liver disease, breast, uterus, large intestine, bladder and prostate is also vital. Even a symptom that you think is insignificant can be a sign of a very important disease. Do not forget that the early detection of many diseases, the greater the success of the treatment to be applied. For this reason, you can be sure of your health with a check-up once a year.

Issues to be Considered Before Arriving at Konak Hospital for Check-up

Please make an appointment for better organization of your program.

Come without eating or drinking anything on the appointment day. (8-12 hours of night fasting is sufficient)

If you have previous tests and examinations, please bring them with you.

If you are pregnant or have doubts about it; Before starting the procedures, you should definitely inform your check-up doctor.”

If you are using heart and blood pressure medication; Be sure to talk to the doctor you are going to have check-up with beforehand.

For women, it is recommended that the check-up does not coincide with the menstruation (menstrual) days. If you are using vitamin C, you need to stop it 2 days in advance.