The skin is the largest organ of the body, which has many unique functions, provides the relationship between the environment and the organism and reflects some of our spiritual reactions. The skin is the mirror of one’s health. Dermatology (Dermatology – Dermatology) deals with the entire body skin starting from the scalp, including the genital area, to the toes, and mucous diseases that cover the body entrance doors (such as the mouth). Hair and nail diseases, defined as skin appendages, are also of interest to dermatology.
Another issue that dermatology deals with is ‘Venereal’, i.e. ‘Sexually Transmitted’ diseases. Disorders of many systems are easily reflected on the skin and cause various changes in the skin. Skin diseases can sometimes give clues to other diseases that may also be of interest to other branches of medicine such as internal medicine, pediatrics and psychiatry. It is within the working area of the dermatologist to reveal such diseases by investigating the connections when necessary. Cosmetic Dermatology is the science that covers products and applications aimed at improving the appearance of people, reducing and/or delaying the signs of aging. Cosmetic dermatological applications are medical procedures applied to achieve these goals. In Konak Hospital Dermatology Clinic, cosmetic dermatological applications are applied by the relevant doctor himself or under his supervision, using the most up-to-date technological products and taking into account the demands and needs of the patients, in the light of the latest medical developments.
Services Provided;
Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases
Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
Diagnosis and treatment of hair loss
Diagnosis and treatment of nail diseases
Diagnosis and treatment of allergic skin diseases
Acne (acne) treatment
Psoriasis treatment
Diagnosis and treatment of fungal diseases
Intralesional injections
Skin biopsies
Skin smears
Microscopic examination of yeast and fungi,
Skin examination with Wood’s lamp
Diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant skin lesions/tumors
Treatment of benign skin lesions with electrocauterization
Cryotherapy (snow treatment) in the treatment of benign skin lesions
Ice Laser: It is the most painless, fastest and newest technology of epilation and laser epilation applications. Laser hair removal was made painless in 2009 thanks to Ironing Epilation technology, and this technology was also introduced to the market by Alma Lasers, the inventor and manufacturer of Ice Laser technology. Now, at the end of 2014, Alma Lasers brought a whole new dimension to laser epilation with Ice Laser technology, there is no pain anymore, because now the head of laser devices cools down to Ice, that is, to minus 3 degrees, that’s where the name Ice Laser comes from. Now the session times have been shortened by half because the treatment head tips of the laser devices are much wider and larger, 20×10 mm, that’s why the Ice Laser is much faster.
Dermatoscopic examination in the diagnosis of skin lesions
Satin Face Lift: It is an application that transmits Focused Radiofrequency and Ultrasound simultaneously with a controlled energy in all layers of the skin, without the need for any local anesthesia with the BTL Exilis Elite device, and aims to activate collagen here. With the Satin Face Lift method, it can be safely applied in every region and successful results can be obtained. Satin Face Lift results are supported by clinical studies. It is an application that stimulates the collagen from the deepest layer with a total of 4 sessions of application once a week, has a lifting effect on the face and provides visible rejuvenation even in the first session.
Skin Care
Skin care
O2 + Skin Care
Pink Masked Skin Care
Hair Treatments
Hair Analysis
Hair Mesotherapy
Hair Transplant
Laser Hair Removal
Alex Blueshine
VPL Energy Plu
Regional Thinning
Slim Up
Reflexotherapy (CFK)
Carboxy Therapy
Presso Therapy
Body Analysis
Skin Applications
Eye Roller
Skin Mesotherapy
Chemical Peel + Laser
Before You Come!
Please make an appointment with our esthetician.