Tooth and gum diseases are among the most important health problems in our country and in the world. Teeth have important effects on our speech and appearance, as well as the tasks of breaking down and grinding food. It is difficult for people with missing teeth to make certain sounds, and there is difficulty in chewing and/or biting. The absence of any structural and functional disorders in the mouth and teeth, and the fact that the mouth and teeth can fully perform their duties indicate the existence of “oral and dental health”.
Services Provided;
Surgical Procedures
Implant applications
Treatment of jaw fractures
Detection and treatment of jaw tumors
Removal of impacted teeth
Treatment of cysts in the chin and surrounding tissues
Treatment of odontogenic infections (dental inflammations)
Preparing the mouth for prosthesis as a result of preprosthetic (pre-prosthetic) surgical applications
Treatment of superficial lesions in the soft tissues of the mouth
Tooth extraction
Prosthetic and Aesthetic Applications
Fixed Prostheses (Cron-Bridge-like bonded prostheses) (Full ceramic, zirconium-based and metal-supported prostheses)
Removable Prostheses (Total or partial dentures – Precision retained dentures)
Implant Top Prostheses (Fixed or Removable Prostheses)
Teeth Whitening
Pedodontic Treatments
Treatment of children’s milk and permanent teeth
Protection of children’s milk and permanent teeth (Fluorine application, fissure sealant applications)
Conservative and Endodontic Treatments
Treatment of dental caries (Dental fillings)
Treatment of infected teeth and root canals (canal treatment)
Periodontal Treatments
Treatment of diseases of the gums and supporting tissues
Orthodontic Treatments Correction of crowding in the teeth and inconsistencies in the jaws
Before You Come!
If you have existing dental x-ray films, bring them to the hospital.
If you have an institution agreement, keep your documents with you.