In the emergency department of our hospital, service is provided 24 hours a day by physicians experienced in emergency medicine. Experienced staff and necessary technical equipment to successfully implement all emergency interventions such as short-term observations, intensive care preparation, trauma and general injuries are available in the emergency department of our hospital.
It is possible to carry out laboratory analyzes and radiological examinations 24 hours a day in our emergency department, which is equipped with modern medical devices and bedside monitors. Every patient who applies to the emergency department of our hospital is evaluated by the emergency doctor and nurse, the appropriate examination and treatment is carried out immediately, and if consultation is required, the relevant branch physician is provided to intervene without delay.
The emergency service unit is supported by ambulance services, which have all kinds of equipment, doctor and technician staff for first response. With the emergency call coming to the hospital, the ambulance team, which is ready for duty 24 hours a day, takes action immediately. When the patient is reached, after the necessary interventions are made, he is transferred to the hospital in the safest and fastest way.
Services Provided;
Before You Come!
Have the documents of the institution you are affiliated with with you.
If you have taken the wrong medicine, keep the name or box of the medicine with you.